When the day seems to get away from you, and you can't seem to get on the path you are trying to create, it's easy to say to "hell with it all." The thing is, if someone says it, then they have simply given up trying to be more than what they are now. That's a sad thing, because people talk about improving themselves, and how "great it is this day" life doesn't give a damn about your words, but rather it throws you a curve ball. Darren Hardy or John Maxwell or any other professional coaches might help, but if you're not really into it, or deep down fear change, no matter how much money you spend on them, it's not going to help. Growth comes from challenges, and some challenges just seem to be a lot bigger than what you want. I am told, that you only get some much because you are ready to deal with that much, but the reality is, that's not true. Think about rain for a moment, it's a good thing to have, after a hot day, hav...
A fun blog which Becky and Beth share fun and joy, and more