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Showing posts from June, 2023

Jump Off the Damn Cliff

Jump Off the Damn Cliff : There are days when I wish that I can figure out my creative process, and when I wish that I could avoid everything around me and not deal with my past or my present, certainly not my future. I do not like the idea that I am master of my fate, except... #growthasaperson #jumpoffthecliff #musings

Put on that Makeup and Do a Bit of Self-Care

Put on that Makeup and Do a Bit of Self-Care : I’m not a person who likes to do self- care, and I’m in general not the greatest at taking care of myself to the point that I can build a huge bunch of makeup or care products without the guilt hitting me below the belt. I can argue I eat right (no) and that I... #improveyourlife #makeup #selfcare Really it’s only the beginning. Self-care and the journey is so important.